Level Trailer

Being a competitive equestrian, I had been concerned about the effect the up sloped floor of the trailer, due to the truck’s tailgate height, has on my horse’s performance. A contributing factor to me purchasing your Automated Safety Hitch System was the positive effect having a level trailer has on our horse’s performance.  Being able to have a lower trailer is also a plus for loading and unloading the horses without a ramp.  People do not seem realize that a sloped trailer adversely affects a horse’s performance.  Also appreciated are the accidents I have been able to avoid due to the increased braking capacity and controllability while going to and from the equine events.

—Marge K., Arizona

Having decided to buy the Automated Safety Hitch for my business, my suggestion is that you should advertise more prominently the importance of pulling a level horse trailer.  The comfort and stability while transporting and the performance of the horses at destination seems to be overlooked.  Too often I see trailers going down the road raised higher in the front.  People don’t realize a sloped trailer adversely affects the horse’s performance.

—S.B., DVM, Texas